
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

W Piper LN

Street ID3639

Change Log

Date Action User Contact notes
1/27/2011 verified Eli Eccles Eli Eccles Clarification of street name

Street Name Designations

Type Name Start Date rank
STREET W Piper LN 7/3/2006 1
ALIAS W 2nd ST 7/3/2006 2

Addresses (1808 - 1924)

Street Address ID Type Status Jurisdiction Zip Code Subunits Location ID
1808 W Piper LN 40602 Street current Monroe County 47403 0 3782
1901 W Piper LN 40603 Street current Monroe County 47403 0 3783
1903 W Piper LN 40604 Street retired Monroe County 47403 0 42193
1908 W Piper LN 40605 Street current Monroe County 47403 0 3781
1910 W Piper LN 40606 Street current Monroe County 47403 0 3780
1913 W Piper LN 40607 Street current Monroe County 47403 0 3784
1916 W Piper LN 40608 Street current Monroe County 47403 0 32878
1924 W Piper LN 40609 Street current Monroe County 47403 0 3779