City of Bloomington Utilities
Individual Customer Contract
Sign up for water, wastewater, and sanitation service
(for residential customers). You will need an acceptable form of identification to attach as a file to this service application, such as a valid Driver’s License, State ID, Military ID, or Passport. Our office will contact you if further information is required in order to process your application.
Customer Service Office Contact Information
Operating Hours
8:00 am to 5:00 pm M-F
600 E Miller Dr
Bloomington IN 47401
Phone Number
(812) 349-3930
Email Address
Field is Required
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
The service address is:
Lookup Address
St Num
St Dir.
Street Name/Unit
Email Address
(Please provide an email address to receive a confirmation email and status updates)
Mailing Address
Same as above
ZIP Code
Date of Birth
Telephone Number
Identification Number
(Drivers License #, Passport #, etc.)
Occupancy type
Please Select...
Property Owner
Other - Please Explain
Please explain
Name of the Property Owner
Owner's Phone Number
Requested Date of Change
(Please select a date after today and Monday - Friday)
Are you a new customer to City of Bloomington Utilities
Please Select...
City of Bloomington Utilities Account Number
How would you like to receive your monthly bill from us?
(please provide e-mail address above if choosing e-mail bill option)
Please Select...
Mail & E-Mail
Emergency Contact Information
In the event of an emergency concerning your water, wastewater, and/or sanitation service, please provide us with the following emergency contact information
Phone Number
Please include supporting identification with this application: