
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

Capital Improvement Board (CIB) Appointment

Type Termed
Code CIB-1
Appointed By Capital Improvement Board (CIB)
Board/Commission Capital Improvement Board (CIB)
Start Date 7/5/2023

The six CIB members appointed by the Mayor, Common Council, Monroe County Commissioners, and Monroe County Council, appoint the remaining seventh member.

No more than four (4) CIB members can be affiliated with the same political party.

Certain individuals listed in Section 3 of the ordinance are excluded from serving on or being employed by the board.

Term Length2 years
Term Modifier
Voting Yes
Takes Applications Yes


1/16/2025 - 1/15/2027
1/16/2023 - 1/15/2025
Jim Silberstein 1/16/2023 -