closed #118977
Line of Sight
- Case Date:
- 7/21/1997
Citizen is BPD officer. There is a field with trees that are growing into the road which makes walking and driving difficult at Grandview Drive at the Smith Road entrance.
Citizen is BPD officer. There is a field with trees that are growing into the road which makes walking and driving difficult at Grandview Drive at the Smith Road entrance.
Dear city of Bloomington, Would it be possible to have some of the trees/bushes obstructing the view on S Walker Street trimmed? These are also growing over the sidewalk. In particular, it is very hard to see incoming traffic when turning left from Howe Street. Warm regards, Guillaume Duty PhD student in the biology department
There was construction at (Wheels Auto Sales) 624 S. Walnut street and ended about a week ago to fix a sink hole. There were cones left at the location (Wheels Auto Sales) and the owner of Wheels Auto took the cones and placed them on front of business sign causing blind spot for our customers trying to leave our business.
414 S. Meadowbrook Drive has landscaping that is causing significant line-of-sight problems at a curve in the road. The usable width of the roadway is also affected. Neighbors are hoping that the city can contact the owners about cutting back the vegetation.
Sight obstruction at the southwest corner of Park and Grimes. Entered into uReport for tracking reasons.
Our property located at 805-807 N Smith Rd has a blind driveway. As you can see in the picture, you are NOT able to see oncoming vehicles as you try to exit the driveway. This needs to be cleared and/or needs a sign near the convenience store about a blind drive. It is very dangerous.
This is a follow-up. The initial report through this portal was on 2/11/19. It is case #167396. This situation is about to get worse as the weather improves and the vegetation begins to grow. This is very dangerous and needs attention. This is the text from my original report: Our property located at 805-807 N Smith Rd has a blind driveway. As you can see in the picture, you are NOT able to see oncoming vehicles as you try to exit the driveway. This needs to be cleared and/or needs a sign near the convenience store about a blind drive. It is very dangerous.
I live at 503 W 16 th St. my neighbors park on the street as well as the neighbors across the street from them. It makes it hard to see and pass thru and there is a lot of traffic on my street. There isn’t a sign telling the street name either at 16th and Madison St
Woodlawn, alley between the Subway/apartment building and rental house. Shrubs block all traffic visibility. Pulling out onto Woodlawn, you can't see what's coming from the right/heading south. Not even pedestrians on the sidewalk can be seen. Dangerous to pull out here since you pull out blindly not knowing what's coming, but also very dangerous for pedestrians (and bikers/scooters) because we can't see them coming when we pull out. There is an IU parking lot in this alley, so it's used daily by several people who say a little prayer for safety every time they have to leave work from this location. This has been reported by colleagues more than once, but the building owner has never taken any action. Not even so much as to trim the shrubs back. In our opinion, the shrubs should be removed completely. Even by trimming, pedestrians still would not be visible.
Very poor visibility looking left on Moores Pike from the AMC 11 parking lot, impossible to see a good gap.