Excessive Growth
2551 E 8th ST
- Case Date:
- 6/19/2018
excessive brush and weeds this house is a rental . and the tenants do not maintain the weeds and other junk constantly grow over the fence and into my driveway also a loud malfunctioning air conditioning uint runs 24/7
Excessive Growth
134 N Bryan AVE
- Case Date:
- 7/10/2024
Property is on SE corner of N Bryan and 7th St. The traffic calming bump out on the 7th street side is overgrown with Johnson grass and has been for months. A look at google street view shows it was overgrown in July of last year, showing this is a chronic issue at this location.
Excessive Growth
122 N Jefferson ST
- Case Date:
- 8/1/2024
Yard overgrown, has not been taken care of for months.
Excessive Growth
122 N Jefferson ST
- Case Date:
- 8/1/2024
Yard overgrown, has not been taken care of for months.
Excessive Growth
101 S Roosevelt ST
- Case Date:
- 8/21/2024
Abandoned looking house. Eyesore. Peeling paint. Invasive vines climbing on structure. Mowed 1 time earlier this year. Seriously? There is no clean up enforcement that can be taken on behalf of the surrounding property owners whose property values suffer when blight like this seem to be enabled?
by lack of proper regulation or enforcement?
Excessive Growth
2222 E 5th ST
- Case Date:
- 8/21/2024
Excessive growth in 5th st ROW and NOT in utilities easement.
Excessive Growth
2501 E 8th ST
- Case Date:
- 8/22/2024
Over grown bushes at 8th and Hillsdale make it impossible to see oncoming traffic
Excessive Growth
134 N Bryan AVE
- Case Date:
- 8/19/2024
The chronically overgrown traffic calming bump out needs attention, again.
Excessive Growth
131 N Hillsdale DR
- Case Date:
- 8/19/2024
Lawn maintenance needed.
Excessive Growth
101 S Roosevelt ST
- Case Date:
- 8/19/2024
Lawn maintenance needed.