closed #192991
Excessive Growth
210 E 11th ST
- Case Date:
- 8/20/2024
Overgrown back yard. Multiple tree of heaven trees are growing, winter creeper is out of control, various vines growing on deck. This is a rental property.
Overgrown back yard. Multiple tree of heaven trees are growing, winter creeper is out of control, various vines growing on deck. This is a rental property.
Alley way between N. Washington an N. Lincoln is very overgrown for pedestrians and vehicles.
Excessive trash, open containers and on ground.
Excessive growth, trash in back yard.
There is a City-owned tree in the ROW that is completely covered in vines, some of which are poison ivy. The vines are right next to the sidewalk, and are so high that the vine is going to seed. Is this the responsibility of the adjacent property owner, or does the City attend to its own trees?
Between 211 and 217 E. 10th Street there is an overgrowth that is blocking the sidewalk. I tried to upload a photo but it won't go through.
Large Weeds in front of home. Tall Grass not cut. Would like a notice to send to owners of property as rentals can’t do anything.
Not sure of address - might be both houses - but the shrubs on the north side of the properties here have grown large by the sidewalk and make it difficult to navigate without stepping to the side and walking on the grass. Definitely not ADA compliant at present.
Poison ivy and other invasive plants are growing out of property, blocking the sidewalk and also growing up into the trees (SE corner of lot on Lincoln side)
Excessive growth