Excessive Growth
731 S Parkway DR
- Case Date:
- 8/30/2024
Overgrown yard, especially in the back. Bushes block entrance to the house. Three children living in the house who are exposed to poison ivy along the fence line. Dumpster in the driveway, as well as two broken down vehicles that haven't been moved in many months.
Excessive Growth
731 S Parkway DR
- Case Date:
- 5/13/2024
Excessive overgrowth of grass, weeds and shrubs in backyard
Excessive Growth
731 S Parkway DR
- Case Date:
- 4/30/2024
Excessive Growth
309 S Hickory DR
- Case Date:
- 9/5/2022
Mold remediation is required
Excessive Growth
731 S Parkway DR
- Case Date:
- 7/28/2022
It was reported several times about
excessive yard growth. Their backyard is still overgrown causing unwanted pests in neighbors yards. It is also not safe for their children to play in.
Excessive Growth
4666 W Sunset AVE
- Case Date:
- 5/19/2020
Excessive Growth
520 S Village CT
- Case Date:
- 7/9/2019
Excessive plant growth behind several properties. Noticeable from the cul-de-sac on village court. 522 village court.
Excessive Growth
4666 W Sunset AVE
- Case Date:
- 5/13/2019
There is a lot of overgrowth between some properties and some drainage issues with standing water days after it rains.
Excessive Growth
731 S Parkway DR
- Case Date:
- 9/27/2018
yard overgrown, seems you be a problem every year, will call back for follow up, appreciate anything we can do
Excessive Growth
760 S Parkway DR
- Case Date:
- 7/5/2018
yard hasn't been mowed once this summer, appears to have been ticketed twice already from notices on door