closed #25149
Excessive Growth
2744 S Pinehurst DR
- Case Date:
- 8/16/2006
south side of property plot, widely overgrown with weeds, impassable near trail on the entire north side of Tapp Street
south side of property plot, widely overgrown with weeds, impassable near trail on the entire north side of Tapp Street
Yard not mowed.
Yard not mowed.
Tall Grass.
This is an area along Rockport Road between 2616 Rockport and 1002 Pinehurst. It does not belong to either house. It is owned by Southern Pines LLC, 9011 N. Meridian Suite 202, Indy 46260. Ticket should also be sent to the same owner at 8440 Woodfield Crossing, Indy 46240. Take to BPW asap...adjacent property owners have been through this before and are anxious to see it mowed. Photos coming... CORNER PINEHURST AND ROCKPORT PARCEL # 015-14841-00
Ms. McCune stated that the property has not been mowed this season and the grass if very tall. (Southern Pines)
Ms. McCune stated that the property has not been mowed this season and the grass is very tall. (Southern Pines)
High grass.
tall grass