closed #161126
Animal Control & Neglected Pets
- Case Date:
- 9/12/2017
There are chickens running free in the front yard at2938 N Ramble Rd W
There are chickens running free in the front yard at2938 N Ramble Rd W
We have a skunk in the neighborhood who is injured with a plastic ring around it's neck. It drinks from a bowl of water on our porch, which we've found bloody the past several weeks. We finally saw the skunk at night and discovered the plastic ring around it's neck. Can a live trap be set?
Dead animal on corner of 15th and N Woodlawn. Looks like a large groundhog maybe. Been there a couple of days now.
Dead squirrel in front of 3626 E. Longview Ave. on the street
Jeanette Schuler, 2389 Winding Brook Circle, continually has her dog Teddy off leash. This morning it was on my deck barking at my dog indoors. She can't clean up after her dog if she is not there or cannot see him
Young deer carcass lying on the bike path. East side of Sare Road.
I have a neighbor whose cat has been meowing at the front door constantly. I am worried that the cat is too cold in these temperatures, but I'm not sure how cold is too cold for a cat. It has been a bit below freezing the last couple nights, though. Should someone check this out? I am at 851 Chandler Drive in Ellettsville and the cat lives directly across the street from me. I don't want to cause trouble at all if this is ok. It's an orange and white cat that I believe is elderly, since it's been there since I can remember living here, but I'm not 100%. She also has numerous dogs that she once told me she rescues that bark a lot, but then again I have two dogs that bark loudly, too, so this doesn't mean anything, necessarily. I guess if someone should check this out I wanted to make someone aware of it. If not, then thank you for your time and sorry to bother you. Thanks.
Dead deer on east side of Maxwell ST, halfway between Hillside and Thornton.
There is a coyote eating a dead deer across the street from 1532 Maxwell Street (near Deer Park Manor entrance). Please have the carcass removed so the coyote will go away, please. Thank you.
Loose dogs in Cathcart Park. Center of Renwick development. Nearly constant but most common mornings around 9:30 AM. Loose dogs commonly chase responsible persons walking with or without their pets.