closed #177187
Animal Control & Neglected Pets
120 W Grimes LN
- Case Date:
- 8/31/2021
Kitten was found on our doorstep this morning. She is wearing a flea collar, but is obviously lot. Please, give me a call as soon as you can.
Kitten was found on our doorstep this morning. She is wearing a flea collar, but is obviously lot. Please, give me a call as soon as you can.
I've left my neighbors 2 letters asking to clean up after dog as my daughter and I continually step in it. No response. The first time I bagged up 4 pounds out of my front yard, and just bagged up 2 more pounds. Unsure where to go with this complaint. Thank you.
Dead rabbit on the sidewalk.
Neighbors are letting their dogs run loose and into my yard every single day. Dogs come and poop in my yard and scare my cats. The dogs have no identification. Neighbors live at 919 W Graham.
We have a dead deer stuck on top of a fence.
Our neighbor in 630 E Ridge Crest Ct (in the building on the map, he is in the top left apartment facing the parking lot) has refused to put his German Shepard on a leash. This dog has ran at and attempted to attack our dog, and has ran at other dogs in the complex as well. We have complained to the management office, who said after the third time reporting to report to Animal Control next time we saw it, and to get a picture of it. He also has another German Shepard that was on leash at the time of the picture, but I have seen both of them off leash. I do not want to worry about a dog attack while walking my dog at my apartment.
Dead rabbit decomposing in the street surrounded by flies. Needs removal.
Dead deer beside the road on Winslow at the bottom of the hill before the High St round-about.
Unleashed dog barking viciously, following dog walkers into and down the street.
Skunk sighted underneath porch intermittently. Strong skunk smell coming from porch