closed #127967
Sidewalk & Curb Complaints
810 N Blair AVE
- Case Date:
- 8/19/2012
sidewalk blocked by tree
sidewalk blocked by tree
block wall is falling onto sidewalk reported from Mrs. Beazer 334-2262
Pothole surrounding a manhole cover.
Weeds in sidewalk, people need to use street.
north side of First Street sidewalk obstructed by vegetation where First curves around between Jordan and Mitchell
I am a driver for MCCSC. I currently drive route #114. I drive every school day through and past the intersection Walnut Pike and Fairfax Road. I have always noticed an extremely hazardous drainage embankment on the west side of Walnut Pike at this intersection. I have often thought how careful I must be so my bus does not come too close to this embankment for fear of the bus falling on its side especially under icy or slippery conditions. With or without students this would be a disaster. Yesterday, October 15, I actually witnessed an accident of one car falling into this drainage embankment and flipping on its side which prompted me to write in. I am the driver who radioed the accident into MCCSC transportation base immediately after it occurred. Please adjust this severe ditch so no more accidents occur.
There is a very uneven sidewalk just to the east of our offices (Bloom Magazine -- 414 W. 6th street). The uneven portion is in front of the Applegate Building. Several of our staff members and guests have taken bad falls there; someone fell again today really hurting themselves. Can you please check into this and report back as to when it might be fixed? If needed, we'll put your Legal Department on formal notice of this hazard. One day someone is going to crack their head open at that spot -- it really needs to be repaired as there is a fair amount of traffic on this sidewalk. Thanks.
Black Lumber called MCCSC. Someone walked through the new sidewalk in front of Black Lumber. It was still green and footprints were left in it.
Gravel, sand, and loose rocks here make this very dangerous for bicyclists.
My mother is elderly (86) and lives at 510 W. Dodds St. There used to be an ornamental tree in front of her house in the treeplot. It was removed a couple of years ago and now a tag has been put in the treeplot indicating it is for a tree to be planted. Could we PLEASE request a tree that doesn't have crabapples or berries? It is not possible for her to clean up the messes on the sidewalk and she has to pay someone to do it for her. I'm not sure if I got the right place. If not let me know and I'll direct my inquiry to the proper office. Thank you.