closed #109013
1021 W 7th ST
- Case Date:
- 6/6/2001
non-colectables in tub; recyclables not clean; no-collected glass; not sorted
non-colectables in tub; recyclables not clean; no-collected glass; not sorted
non-collectable items
non-collectable plastic; not clean; non-collectable glass; not sorted
items not cleaned and dried* items included non-collected plastics and glass*items not properly sorted
items included non -collected plastics** items not properly sorted
no paint cans
items included styrofoam, plastic bags and wrap, and non-collected glass materials* items not cleaned and dried*items not sorted properly
items included styrofoam, plastic wraps and bags*items contained food, dirt, and cigarette butts*items not properly sorted
items included plastic tubs and non-collected metals
items included plastic bags, styrofoam, and non-collected glass*items not cleaned and dried*items not properly sorted