1033 S Ballantine RD
- Case Date:
- 2/28/2025
A tree located in the Davis St. right of way just blew down into the south end of our front yard. I write to request that the city remove the portion of the tree (c. 20+ ft.) that lies on our private property. Thank you,
Eric Sandweiss
- Case Date:
- 1/9/2025
Trash collection was on Tuesday. It's Thursday and the cans are still out on Ballantine Rd. north of Hunter.
- Case Date:
- 1/7/2025
717 S. park Ave. is being used as a short term rental. There is no valid occupancy permit since 2013 (see attached). No one has been in the house since football season, but during football season cars with license plates from various states were parked in the back during weekends when an IU home game was played.
1502 E University ST
- Case Date:
- 12/30/2024
In the alleyway behind 1502 E University St, a large dead tree just fell southward (away from the electric wires). Upon my request, a neighbor just moved a section that was blocking S. Swain. This clump of trees had had other sections fall in the last year and municipal or power-line workers removed sections of it but the entire cluster needs to come down since it is a hazard to those of us who walk down S. Swain. Right now the rotted dead tree is lying on the ground.
- Case Date:
- 12/11/2024
There are trash cans blocking the full width of the sidewalk on Ballantine (west side), just north of Hunter. Pick up was Monday morning and it is Wednesday today.
- Case Date:
- 12/4/2024
Trash pickup was Monday morning. It is now Wednesday and the sidewalk is blocked by two trash cans. They are on Ballantine Road north of Hunter.
606 E University ST
- Case Date:
- 11/26/2024
Over the past year and a half I have asked HAND and Sarge Rentals to remove the garbage cans from the tree row of the 600 block of University St. HAND finally tild me they were fining the rooming house at 624 S Fess. That did not help. I asked Sarge Rentals to remove the Rumpke trash and recycling bins once they switched over to Avas. They did not. Now the Avas bins are in the tree row along with the Rumpke ones and another waste basket (see picture). When I moved here 30 years ago I went to a city meeting to complain about the trash at the rooming house. The problem was remedied by placing a dumpster in the alley behind the building. That was replaced by the Rumpke bins. None of the residents nor Sarge move the bins from the tree row after trash is taken. No other homes on University St behave in this manner. PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO REMEDY THIS EYESORE!
- Case Date:
- 11/26/2024
I’m writing with deep concern about the potential impact of the fiber optic project at our home at 809 S. Stull Ave.
On Nov. 25, a work crew moved heavy equipment onto our property and proceeded to operate with no advance warning or permission. We are currently out of town for the holiday, and a neighbor took the attached photo. We are astounded not only at the trespass, but also at the potential damage. We just spent significant money and time purchasing and planting bushes and several trees in the area where the crew was working. We are concerned also about our recently laid sewer line, and about the drilling of holes (see photo) directly next to a very large pin oak tree. We won’t be home and able to assess any damage ourselves until Dec. 8 but are anxious to hear from you ASAP about 1) recourse if there is damage to our property, and 2) city policy regarding work crews entering private property without warning or authorization.
411 S Ballantine RD
- Case Date:
- 11/13/2024
trash can on sidewalk on ballentine near hunter
- Case Date:
- 10/30/2024
Trash cans have been out on Ballantine Rd since last Thursday, first on sidewalk, now in street.