
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (745)

closed #166149


Case Date:

Can the City please do something to encourage Kroger to use or sell the eastside Marsh. A corporation buying a building and keeping it empty intentionally to dissuade competition is not cool. Please forward to Mayor's office so he knows residents do not want a large building sitting empty unfairly. Thank you. Other Cities have found solutions to such behaviors.

closed #166206


Case Date:

10/11/2018 Extraordinarily loud concert going on over here on the eastside, apparently permitted by mayor's office? If so, unconscionable. This is a residential neighborhood, young children, people up early for work. I'm at least a half mile from the site and can easily hear it in my house. Will be contacting councilperson about this as well.

closed #166207


Case Date:

Late and loud concert with fireworks next to a nonstudent neighborhood on a weeknight. Not cool City . Should NOT have been approved. Totally inappropriate venue for something like that.

closed #166217


Case Date:

Thank-you to so those who spoke to Bloomington High School about the PA speaker in recent weeks. Between away games and what appears to be an effort to reduce the volume, I have seen a significant difference. However, I am not sure why, but tonight seems to be worse than ever. Inside our house, I can still hear every word of the loudspeaker. I know when there are touchdowns. I know who scored what. Please speak to the high school again.

closed #166228


801 W 7th ST

Case Date:

Late model car parked in yellow zone on Maple at W 7th. Makes it impossible for two cars to go through at once. Also limits visibility for cars going North on Maple. This is also a place where a school bus turns every day. Car parks here all the time. Behind this car is a motorcycle under a tarp that has been parked for at least six months.

closed #166257


Case Date:

I have been told it is legal to harvest a deer with a crossbow, on your private property, within city limits in Bloomington. I understand the appropriate state license and deer tag are a requirement when performing any hunt. Is this allowed? I cannot find the information online, nor any instruction. Can you provide this direction or point me to the correct point of contact? Thank you very much.

closed #166266


Case Date:

Duke not providing any east Bloomington power updates. What's the deal? What is happening!

closed #166274


Case Date:

Start enforcing against IU golf cart type vehicles. Please require at least a slow moving vehicle emblem or lamp as allowed by Indiana Code for municipalities. Plus they don't use turn signals, don't get over to allow passing, etc. Arrogant, dangerous, and obstructive.

closed #166279


Case Date:

Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to remove the numerous pairs of shoes that are on South Park Avenue, specifically the north end near Atwater Avenue. There are two sections of wires if you start heading from north to south on the road that are loaded with these shoes. The removal of these shoes would help with the overall sense of security in the neighborhood and it is always nice to remove an eyesore. I have attached an image of the section of wires closest to Atwater Ave. Thank you, Hannah

closed #166322


100 West Kirkwood Avenue

Case Date:

The parking lines around the square are extremely faded at this point. A light dusting of snow, and they will be completely invisible. Can we get those painted before the snow flies? Thanks!