
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (92)

open #201342

Parks & Rec Buildings

2100 S Henderson ST

Case Date:

I let you know I saw same potholes that I mentioned you before in FSC parking lot. It still there while I walk to my bus stop

closed #200545

Parks & Rec Buildings

930 W 4th ST

Case Date:

Snow plowed into sidewalk. Unable to walk on sidewalk.

closed #200097

Parks & Rec Buildings

1700 W Bloomfield RD

Case Date:

My ticket - #199871 - was closed without resolution. The person who resolved it referenced a ticket that was not a duplicate. Original ticket - The downstairs men's restroom at Twin Lakes needs urinal dividers and smaller gaps between the stall walls. There are too many curious young children who make the bathroom experience uncomfortable.

closed #199871

Parks & Rec Buildings

1700 W Bloomfield RD

Case Date:

The downstairs men's restroom at Twin Lakes needs urinal dividers and smaller gaps between the stall walls. There are too many curious young children who make the bathroom experience uncomfortable.

closed #199517

Parks & Rec Buildings

925 U S Henderson ST

Case Date:

Picnic Shelter on the north side of Bryan Park. Roof has been mossy for quite a while but now some shingles have come off.

closed #199280

Parks & Rec Buildings

1700 W Bloomfield RD

Case Date:

TLRC Was not open today. 20+ people waiting outside members and flag football players. No sign on the door

closed #199279

Parks & Rec Buildings

1700 W Bloomfield RD

Case Date:

TLRC Was not open today. 20+ people waiting outside members and flag football players. No sign on the door

closed #198737

Parks & Rec Buildings

1 W Tapp Rd

Case Date:

Portable toilet needs to be emptied. Located at parking lot onTapp rd. Also. people living in car and sleeping under bridge.

closed #193135

Parks & Rec Buildings

Case Date:

Just a Thank You to Tim Street for addressing an issue. I wrote that I thought the folks landscaping the median on Sayre Rd should be afforded some "safety cones" or lane closings to prevent injuries. I noticed last week that cones have been added to protect workers. I really appreciate you reacting to my concern. Thanks so much.

closed #193043

Parks & Rec Buildings

2100 S Henderson ST

Case Date:

There pothole in parking lots I make u report to street department street staff tell me Parking lots are maintained by the property owners. potholes need fix people be felling of potholes