400-498 W 2nd St, Bloomington, Indiana, 47403
- Case Date:
- 11/8/2018
I noticed the recent guidelines for scooters don't specifically explain who has the right-of-way on the B-line trail. It's already unclear whether cars are supposed to yield to bike traffic. Some do, some don't, leading to confusion in the entire community. Now the same is applying to electric scooters. I was on a scooter on the B-Line this morning, slowed as I approached 2nd Street, and cars in each direction had also slowed as if they were yielding. I proceeded through the crossing but the westbound car did not in fact yield and nearly hit me (at a very low speed, granted--so I couldn't tell if they didn't see me or were being super aggressive). So when I approached the 4th Street crossing I came to a dead stop, as did the cars on 4th Street, waving me on. TL;DR the right-of-way rules on the B-Line were already unclear and are even more so now with a third major type of trail use. Please create clear signage at every major intersection on the trail that states who has the right-of-way so that both trail users and vehicular traffic understand the rules.
201-299 W Hillside Dr, Bloomington, Indiana, 47403
- Case Date:
- 11/15/2018
The B-line trail, between Tapp Road and Grimes, there is a lengthy u-shaped detour. It is covered in large rocks that make it nearly impossible to navigate on a road bike (my bike tires are 25mm). Several times I have nearly fallen over as the rocks engulf my small tires. I am a female bike commuter. I commute to the hospital at 6:30am and come home at 7:30pm. I no longer feel safe riding the trail due to the hazards of this rocky detour. I am at risk for either taking a significant fall or puncturing a tire. This makes me vulnerable. Please, either pack down the large rocks or cover this detour with a tarp.
101-299 W Grimes Ln, Bloomington, Indiana, 47403
- Case Date:
- 11/27/2018
Last week after the freezing rain, etc., and last night while it was snowing, the bridge at Grimes Lane on the B-line trail was too slick to run or walk on. Perhaps someone could salt or sand the bridge during weather like that.
- Case Date:
- 12/4/2018
Hello! I’m a resident of 639 north maple street. On my dead end street, there is an untrimmed, unofficial entrance that MANY residents of the neighborhood access on a daily basis. However, the path that has been roughly paved by passerby’s is steep, rocky, untrimmed and dangerous, especially in rain or snow. Even in the summer, it is dangerous. Children and pregnant women have issues going through here. I have tried to enter the b-line this way, but it’s too dangerous and steep for me. Anyway we can get something done for the neighborhood? We know there’s a sidewalk and safer way after the bridge on 11th to access, but out of convenience or maybe ambiance, most people enter through our dead end makeshift entrance. The makeshift entrance seems to not be in a definitive tenants yard/property. No one really knows. If someone could come check it out, that’d be great and appreciated. Thanks! - Ruth
47403, Bloomington, Indiana
- Case Date:
- 3/7/2019
There’s a dead deer at the side of the Clear Creek trail, between That Road and Tapp but much closer to That Road.
- Case Date:
- 3/10/2019
Lights 136 & 154 on the B-Line are burnt out. Thanks! :)
Bloomington, Indiana
- Case Date:
- 3/11/2019
Clear Creek trail - about 1/4 mile from Tapp Rd trailhead. Dog waste trash can is overflowing and out of bags.
1111 W 10th St, Bloomington, Indiana, 47404
- Case Date:
- 3/12/2019
B-Line lights out (165, 154, 136, 95, and 86). Also, light pole sweater on 145 has become messed up and is covering the number.
- Case Date:
- 3/14/2019
This description of the Clear Creek trail has two errors:
20.8 acres stretching 2.4 miles from Country Club Drive past Tapp Road to Church Lane, and connecting to the existing Bloomington Rail Trail.
The trail does not start from Country Club, it starts from Tapp Road. It crosses both Rockport Road and That Road before getting to Church Lane.
1000-1200 W 9th St, Bloomington, Indiana, 47404
- Case Date:
- 3/15/2019
Two trees are down on the B-Line in between Adams and Moravec Streets, both closer to the latter. One is making the trail nearly impassable.