closed #110292
1242 E Tylers TURN
- Case Date:
- 1/19/2001
S-no sticker
S-no sticker
s-no sticker
Friday/Missed pick-up/trash: Trash has not been picked up since Thanksgiving week. The cans are stickered. She has problem with her recyclables getting picked up. This time stickers were off cans but thery were not emptied. No notice was left.
Friday pick-up/Missed pick-up/recycling
Missed pick-up/trash:
Missed pick-up/trash: Says all neighbor trash hasn't been picked up.
Friday APlease pick up trash Monday morning. It will be stickered.
3 rd notice/Other/Other: He has a plastic double decker filing cabinet/container tht was to picked up for large
FYI He will have a black double compartment, plastic container out for large item pick-up.
This complaint came into the Health Dept.. The people who are building the apartments next door them on E. Hillside found an old cistern in the east yard that is being filled with trash and debris. Ths trash needs to be removed and the cistern filled with crushed stone then capped.