Abandoned Vehicle
208 N Ritter ST
- Case Date:
- 10/2/2019
Vehicle under the blue tarp is a Jeep in gray primer. It is missing parts and does not have a license plate. It has been in this location for several years. It is located at 1401 W. 6th Street which is owned by Robert Burks. (Related to Christopher Burks). Robert Burks has his son, Anthony Burks living in the house. Anthony has been accumulating items in the yard.
Abandoned Vehicle
1022 W Meadow LN
- Case Date:
- 10/5/2020
The vehicle in the photo has two flat tires and sits full of garbage in the driveway.
Abandoned Vehicle
1022 W Meadow LN
- Case Date:
- 4/19/2021
Flat ties on abandoned vehicle
Abandoned Vehicle
3401 N Kingsley DR
- Case Date:
- 7/4/2022
Mitsubishi Spyder silver 514TWW all tires are flat, Registration expired 2 years ago.
It is unsafe as the roads in the neighborhood are already narrow and is an impediment to pedestrian and motor traffic.