
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #182877

Inaccessible Parking

1004 W Country Club DR

Case Date:

There are two non-running cars in the parking lot. One is a silver/gold Chrysler sedan with expired temporary tags and windows open. The other is a blue compact Suzuki with expired temporary tags. There is a third running gold/silver Toyota sedan with dark covered tail lights and expired temporary tag. These cars are not legally registered in Indiana. They are taking up spaces in a complex that is over occupied and does not have enough parking for legal residents and cars as is. I thank you kindly for addressing this issue.

closed #182882

Inaccessible Parking

1004 W Country Club DR

Case Date:

There are two cars in the parking lot that are not running with expired temporarily Tags. One is a gold/ silver Chrysler sedan, with windows down. The other is a blue Suzuki compact car. There is a third gold/silver Toyota sedan with darkened tail lights. It has an expired temporarily tag as well. These cars are not legally registered in the state of Indiana and are taking up already sparse parking spaces meant for fully legal residents. Thankyou for your help.