closed #189115
Blocked Sidewalk
1500 SE Wingfield Dr, Bloomington, IN 47401, USA
- Case Date:
- 6/25/2024
Tree in road.
Tree in road.
Light pole knocked over at corner of South Ct and Olcott.
North side of 2nd St: 1210 E 2nd Sidewalk blocked by sandbags and damaged concrete that is a tripping hazard.
Overgrown weeds obstructing sidewalk
Cars parked in driveway block sidewalk, pedestrians have to exit sidewalk into the roadway to walk around obstruction. Motorists speeding on Maxwell lane make this very dangerous.
Cars in this driveway routinely block the sidewalk.
When someone in a wheelchair approaches the Community Kitchen or the bus stop there, from Switchyard Park, they are met with an obstacle at the very last step. I know someone who uses a wheelchair, who lives in Switchyard Apts. To get to the Community Kitchen, or to that paticular bus stop, she can't just take the sidewalk on the East side of Rogers. The sidewalk ends right before the bridge (which is infuriating, in and of itself). She could go around, through the path in the park to get there, but then she would run into this issue, where there is no sidewalk, or slope from the Switchyard path to this bus stop, this section of sidewalk, and the community kitchen. Please repair it. It is a tiny patch of sidewalk, could have been done when all the switchyard paths were being built. Do it now. Thank you.
There is always a car parked here blocking the entrance to the Winslow rd sidepath. It’s clearly marked for no parking with yellow lines. It’s not obvious why they prefer to park on top of the yellow lines instead of parallel parking both cars on the North side of the street. They do seem to be making an effort to leave space for walkers to get through but never enough space for a bike pulling a trailer
How long until this sidewalk is repaired to be usable? The CBU hazard marker has been here for months.