closed #201445
Street Trees
2701 S Pine Meadows DR
- Case Date:
- 3/11/2025
We have two trees near the road at 2701S Pine Meadows that look pretty diseased and have been getting worse. See google images from 10 years apart.
We have two trees near the road at 2701S Pine Meadows that look pretty diseased and have been getting worse. See google images from 10 years apart.
Recently, I've seen several young Tulip Trees infested with scale in the neighborhoods where I walk. I first noticed them because their bark is so black I thought they'd been scorched, but when I looked closely they're covered in scale. The trees are between the street and the sidewalk, so I assume they're city trees. They're in the Sherwood Oaks, Peppergrass, and surrounding neighborhoods. Here are the specific locations for the one's I've found so far: • Benson Court, just west of Jamie Lane. The tree is on the south side of the street. • Heather Drive, west of Preston. There's one on the south side of the street and another on the north side a bit further down the road (near Grasstree Ct.). • Allendale Drive, west of Bainbridge. On the north side of the street.
The street tree in front of my home had a large portion of the trunk fall earlier this year. It is a very messy Bradford Pear that has always been a nuisance and not very happy and I am hoping that it can be removed. I had an arborist out to look at other trees on the property and he also pointed it out that it would be good to take down if that is an option. Thank you.
Two large branches broken and hanging into the street ostructing a bit of the road.
Hello there I hope that everything is going well there, few weeks ago I notified that this tree is sick and some debris have been fell down, the city told me to ask from duke energy and I did it but Duke energy doesn’t wants to take it down, I just asking to trim it to avoid any accidents because beside of my fence several children walking through the trail sidewalk to go to the next trailerhouses Please be concern about children safety
There is a rather large broken tree limb hanging over the street that will likely fall during one of those windy gusty days this Fall or Winter. The limb is too high in the tree for me to pull down. Can the City remove that broken limb? The tree is in the city right-of-way. Thank you.
We lost our street tree to the recent wind storm. Will it be replaced? If so, can you let us know when? Thank you.
Street limbs overhanging the street low down, blocking visibility for cars, especially turning at the intersection
At mailbox, maple tree has top broken and about to fall but hung up by live branches. Also another branch is also hung up. May fall when someone collecting their mail.
Tree in roadway snapped at trunk