
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (93)

closed #198684

Request a new Street Light

509 N Fess AVE

Case Date:

I would like to request the consideration of a streetlight for the block of N Fess Ave between E 9th St and E 10th St. I frequently walk through this block late on Thursday evenings, and it is the one block in the area that is truly dark. Other streets are well lit, but walking through this block is truly very dark and feels a bit unsafe. I've attached a photo of said block, although it's worth noting that my phone left the shutter open for longer when taking it, and thus in reality the block is darker than the photo would seem to indicate.

open #199385

Request a new Street Light

512 N Prow AVE

Case Date:

There's no lighting on this small street, and the sidewalks are somewhat uneven. Would be nice to have some lighting for when it gets dark so early.

closed #199363

Request a new Street Light

527 W 3rd St

Case Date:

W. 3rd does a dogleg at S. Jackson. NOWHERE within this awkward intersection is there a single streetlight: Not where W. 3rd dead-ends at the Paris-Dunning house, nor along the brief stretch where W. 3rd travels south briefly in concert with S. Jackson, nor where it becomes an independent entity once again and transforms into a One-Way street (although the bicyclists, traveling east along W. 3rd, in counterflow to the automobile traffic, refuse to believe this proclamation!) This seems to be an oversight.

closed #201413

Request a new Street Light

611 N Washington ST

Case Date:

Burnt out street light

closed #188286

Request a new Street Light

690 S Adams ST

Case Date:

closed #182390

Request a new Street Light

714 E Cottage Grove AVE

Case Date:

All the light posts along E Cottage Grove Ave stretching from the start of the road near Woodlawn Ave to Indiana Ave the light posts are defective radiating a blue/purple light that is not safe when it’s a block from a big ten campus. It actually makes it more eerie and more difficult to see when walking at night. Please replace these immediately, it’s a safety hazard.

closed #186898

Request a new Street Light

821 W 6th ST

Case Date:

The alleyway between 6th and 5th, specifically behind this address would benefit greatly from a streetlight. New residences with off-alley parking and commercial businesses nearby would benefit from the added safety and convenience of a street light. Thank you

closed #185962

Request a new Street Light

904 N Orris DR

Case Date:

I’m trying to request the emergency/urgent request of the streetlight across from my home. It’s been out for awhile, and I also contacted DOT about trimming the trees/foliage blocking the speed limit sign and the undergrowth that was blocking the streetlights ability to do what it’s meant to do prior to the light going out. I am now requesting an URGENT replacement of the light due to safety concerns that began Monday night when I was attacked at the gas station nearby. I’ve had a lot of unknown vehicles passing my home at all times of the night, but can’t see enough to give any significant info to the officer who took my report. I am concerned under the circumstances that the people involved may continue to retaliate and I’m even more concerned for my kids. I have a blink camera and a ring doorbell, but neither can show any detail without that light. Not to mention the neighborhood is completely dark unless the neighbors turn on their porch lights, which I can’t make them do. Add in the fact that we’ve had coyotes and large bucks in the area, having such a dark street can be dangerous for pedestrians and drivers at night, especially since my home sits on the wrong side of a blind curve. PLEASE get this taken care of immediately. I’ve done everything I can on my end. Now I’m dependent on you. Thank you in advance.

closed #182805

Request a new Street Light

Bloomington City Hall, 401 N Morton St, Bloomington, IN 47401, USA

Case Date:

There is an URGENT need for a stop light at the intersection of 10th street and John Hinkle Place with Woodbridge Apartments. Specifically, children are crossing that intersection every day to board school buses. I have personally witnessed occasions when cars traveling both east and west in 10th street have had to apply brakes in an emergency manner to avoid fatalities. I can assure you it is only a matter of time before pedestrians and vehicles will be involved in accidents resulting in fatalities. The City of Bloomington is hereby put on notice that unless this emergency situation is not addressed the result will be fatalities. As an attorney, I can assure you that the City is legally liable WHEN these fatalities occur. Thank you. Randall Smith 650 Woodbridge Drive Bloomington IN 47408 Telephone: 812 325 1226. Email: randallsmith632@gmail.com.

closed #185832

Request a new Street Light

Bloomington City Hall, 401 N Morton St, Bloomington, IN 47401, USA

Case Date:

3229 S Coppertree Drive Streetlight needs new bulb