
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (16)

closed #159376


3203 S Abby LN

Case Date:

Regarding the new trash pickup system, what payment arrangements will be in effect for a resident like me who travels a lot for business? I am out of Bloomington for at least 4 months of the year, when I will have no trash for pickup. MMcG

closed #199898

Street Snow Removal

3215 S Abby LN

Case Date:

We have yet to be visited by a snow plow since 11:00 am on Sunday before the snow accumulated. My car cannot make it up the hill to exit the edition in these conditions.

closed #148057

Sidewalk Requests

1737 E Camby LN

Case Date:

The curb at the end of my driveway has crumbled and large chunks of cement are blocking drainage, curb needs to be redone at end of driveway at 1737 E. Camby Lane

closed #201418

Sewer Problems (Storm Sewers)

3230 S Abby LN

Case Date:

There is a city street drain at the bottom of my cul-de-sac between my house and my neighbors. I have been told by the city that the drain is not on city property. I am not sure why or how I am to maintain the drain. It is partially underground and does not drain as it should down the hill. How can the city put in a drain that doesn't work and then expect me to correct the issue. Last week I believe they backwashed the drain which let to a HUGE amount of leaves etc that was in the streets to wash down the hill behind my house and AGAIN destroy the steps I built! I have maintained the walking path at Rogers family park on both side of my house but am extremely upset that the city trees that fall and block the drainage along with the street wash (leaves, snow salt etc) destroying both sides of my house and washing away what little yard I have. I have cut brush and pushed logs but I am a 56 year old women and I can't move or clean as the city could if they would just come in and correct the drainpipe and push the dead trees away on the other side of my house. I push mud off of the trail and clean it all the time! I am often asked if I work for the city. I should!! I can't keep up with what the city should be doing with the water drainage in my neighborhood. I am at the bottom and I get EVERYONES leaves, sticks, street salt and mess. Please help me clean it up so I can continue to take care of it.

closed #200867

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1731 E Camby LN

Case Date:

Large pothole on the southern side of Winslow near the edge of the road, if you are going down the hill (heading east).

closed #200882

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1731 E Camby LN

Case Date:

Big Pothole on E Winslow road going east, right hand side. Thanks!

closed #200966

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1725 E Camby LN

Case Date:

Very large pothole on eastbound lane

closed #154121

Excessive Growth

3230 S Abby LN

Case Date:

My home share a property line with city property woods. There is a tree from the city's property that is hanging very low into my yard and above my pool. Causing lots of debri and worms to fall into my pool. Is it possible for someone to come out and trim that tree back and off my property? It actually has a band around the trunk as if it was marked at one point to come down.

closed #153770

Blocked Street

1700 E Camby LN

Case Date:

There are tree limbs obstructing the use of the sidewalk in front of 1700 E. Camby Lane and beside the same property (along Abby Lane).

closed #159524

Blocked Sidewalk

1700 E Camby LN

Case Date:

Crabapple tree branches have grown over and down onto the sidewalk in front of the home at 1700 E. Camby Lane. Residents are unable to walk on the sidewalk beneath / next to the tree, and must move into the roadway.