
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (62)

closed #130887

Potholes, Other Street Repair

321 W 15th ST

Case Date:

A sidewalk was installed this fall. The road meeting the sidewalk was never patched and is in terrible condition all the way down the block, becoming worse with winter weather and parking. I live at 319 w. 15th st.

closed #132227

Traffic Suggestions

715 N Rogers ST

Case Date:

Stop sign needs to be replaced

closed #133112

Excessive Growth

615 W 15th ST

Case Date:

lots adjacent and across the street from Fairview Apartments have excessive growth of weeds, 615 W 15th Street is our apartment complex. Weeds are excessive on the north and south side of properties adjacent to Fairview Apartments.

closed #133924


1104 N Woodburn AVE

Case Date:

It is on the side of the house facing the alley near the front.

closed #161315

Street Lights

1101 N College AVE

Case Date:

ALL street lights on the west side of College Ave from 17th street to the railroad underpass just south of 14th street were observed to be inoperative on the evening of Sept 25th, 2017. What is going on?

closed #161316

Street Lights

1101 N Woodburn AVE

Case Date:

The street light at the intersection of Woodburn Ave and 15th street is out. This was observed on the evening of Sept 25th, 2017. This is a dark neighborhood and cannot have its intersection lights inoperative. Few residents keep their porch lights on as I do front and back.

closed #161378

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1015 N College AVE

Case Date:

There is a roadway which was a former street going all the way west from College to Madison that runs in front of Crown Management Sunflower II Apts. and is the only way that residents of Sunflower II Apts and a Crown Management rental property at 1020 N Woodburn can get to their parking areas. The city has taken care of the surface of this roadway at least between Woodburn and College for many years. I am reporting today that this roadway needs to be repaved or at least have the uneven surface patched to allow for safe driving on it this coming winter. Crown Management has done their part by resurfacing and resealing their parking lot in front of the apartments just north of this roadway. Please (desperate tone in voice) come and smooth the surface of this very small but fully used roadway. Thank you.

closed #161382

Street Lights

300 W 11th ST

Case Date:

I couldn't find the location in uReport to report the need for some additional street lights, so I am pointing out the real need here. The area is on 11th street between Rogers and Walnut. This area has recently seen large scale apartment development and there is simply not enough light to make this part of 11th street safe. I would suggest the type of shorter lights that are used around the square in front of businesses on the square would be both attractive and effective. Please feel free to email me if I should report this to another dept. I do think it needs to be attended to as soon as practical before the dark of winter sets in. It would be terrible if another resident was kidnapped due to a lack of light.

closed #161535

Street Lights

1102 N Woodburn AVE

Case Date:

The streetlight at the intersection of Woodburn Ave and 15th street is out and has been for several weeks. I have reported this outage several weeks ago since I live at 1020 N Woodburn which is 1/2 block from this light. My house is part of the Maple Heights Neighborhood Association. This area of Woodburn is quite dark. Is there any way that Duke can prioritze the repair of this light? I thought I would ask before I discuss the problem with the HT Hotline, the Mayor's office and Duke. I understand if larger outages would take a larger project, but this is a single light that has up till night be very reliable. Thank you for your efforts to help.

closed #161712


410 W 15th ST

Case Date:

Trash did not get picked up. Not sure why I got skipped but looks like my neighbor across the street got picked up.