closed #192281
1655 S Oakdale DR
- Case Date:
- 7/17/2024
dumpsters are always over flowing and the smell is horrific
dumpsters are always over flowing and the smell is horrific
On 7/6/2024, I created uReport Case #191203 to request the removal of storm-related fallen tree debris from the front of my house. I see that that case has been closed, but no one ever came to remove the debris.
The street is failing here again - it was washed away previously a few feet away as seen in the photo behind the current hole.
The street light at the intersection of Woodhill Dr. and S Westhill Ct has become very dim and flickers on and off for a couple of months. Would great appreciate prompt action to get it fixed. Thank you!
Alley on east end toward Madison street needs pavement attention.
Pedestrian signal missing on the ne corner of Eagleson and Atwater crossing Eagleson
Pedestrian signal missing on the ne corner of Eagleson and Atwater crossing Eagleson
Alley on east end toward Madison street needs pavement attention.
street light out by my mailbox. Please replace with high sodium lightbulb as that will be like other sin neighborhood. I am willing to pay for light bulb.
Pothole reopened after recent repairs