closed #167744
Bloomington, Indiana
- Case Date:
- 3/11/2019
Clear Creek trail - about 1/4 mile from Tapp Rd trailhead. Dog waste trash can is overflowing and out of bags.
Clear Creek trail - about 1/4 mile from Tapp Rd trailhead. Dog waste trash can is overflowing and out of bags.
There is a large tree branch that is blocking and hanging over the half-mile path at Olcott Park.
There is a cut out across both lanes of Rogers Street in front of the switch yard construction that is pretty significant, but seems worse when heading north.
We would like to perform some “course maintenance “ on the disc golf course at Crestmont. Specifically, there is a large branch that is obstructing hole 13s tee pad. We would like to have it cut down or have permission for us to cut it down. There are also some smaller shrubs that obstruct the path to 14s basket.
Bryan Park: please fill in these wo holes near the N end of the stream that feeds Sheridan Creek. A good landmark for finding them is that bald cypress in the background (further in background are the tennis courts). I have found holes in the Park over the years, sometimes by tripping and falling. I have sometimes stuck deadfall in a hole hoping that a Park mower might see it and take action. Now I am grateful that I can use uReport . Thanks.
I thought I reported this a few days ago but maybe not. Anyhow this is Bryan Park. Photo in the middle dates to January 19, about when this picnic table appeared. On the right shows it moved on Feb 6 (the uReport I thought I submitted). On the left this afternoon (Tues Feb 12). It is lightweight enough to be moved around. Makes me suspicious that someone other than Parks employee put it there. Odd time of year, too.
loose limbs in trees NE corner of People's Park, near pedestrian pathways and the Bicycle Garage, Inc. parking lot...hazard to pedestrians, cyclists, etc.
I have a very old soft maple tree in my front yard. I would like to have it pruned but am unsure of who's responsibility it is for 2 reasons: 1 being there are major power lines that are resting on the limbs (close to the trunk of the tree) and 2, I believe the tree is located within 6 ft of the city street and was told that the city owns the 6 foot easement between streets and properties? I would like to have it pruned evenly because of tree's age and weight distribution. Could someone contact me about this?
I forgot to report this a week ago. A picnic table from the Woodlawn Shelter was out in the park. Walk west north west from the Woodlawn Shelter and you'll see it.
Hi, I contacted the city a few weeks ago regarding the status of Park Ridge Park and the materials on areas around the park and shelter in that park. In that note, I suggested cleaning up the debris in the park so as to prevent having to mitigate the problems caused by leaving them over the winter. The past two years, erosion mitigation was done on the park and it occurred to me that if the debris were removed, their would be less work in the spring to get the park back to the way it was at the beginning of fall. That suggestion was passed on to Dave Williams and I have not yet heard anything back from the parks department. I would like to know what the plans are for park with regards to debris removal. I am concerned now that since the true winter has begun and the city leaf removal is over, the debris will now remain in place all winter, hopefully to be removed soon enough in the spring such that only minimal work will have to be done in the spring. Perhaps if I had none that Parks would not be able to handle the debris removal, we could have organized a neighborhood effort to take care of the problem but it seems like that time has passed. To be clear, I really appreciate the responsiveness the Parks Department has had to suggestions and concerns about the Park Ridge Park and no doubt all the other parks. The erosion mitigation efforts conducted over the last two years did have a very positive effect and the park, the neighborhood and the city are all better for them. I am sure that something will get worked out this time as well and look forward to hearing what the plan is going forward for our wonderful, small and highly shaded park. Thank you.