
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #180326


Case Date:

News Article Federalist Papers,Thanks to Hero GOP Gov., Teachers in Ohio Could Be Armed in 24 Hours.--- My city / county reps needs to join in and stop letting the teachers union commies stop setting the standards of the values of or end distorting the meaning of the Milita. Not only should our teachers be armed and trained and forced to requalify. The state should be imploring Emotional support and protection dogs along with deploying the National guards MP's , there should be ROTC's with weapons ranges for both the students and personal as a place to train in school and instill the values of in the students.

closed #180327


Case Date:

News Article reads, Russian court extends detention for US basketball star. I think the City / county needs to send a letter throu the state reps to ask the state department to send a thank letter to Putin for keeping "IT" or this dirt bag out of America for as long as he can.

closed #180338


Case Date:

News reads , Congress nears deal to reform how Electoral College votes are counted. I sure hope after all the screw up and judgement concerns of Clinton an the dangers concerns of the influence's of judgement via the Cuba Embassy syndrome events. Post the ignored seaming acknowledged or admited by John Kerry signing of the directives of the Minamata convention dental silver Mercury Amalgams . If the concern are to secure the election clintons disposition of the Hitler Molar Mic God ghost effect of the induced tinnitus and voice should be priority one given she did have while in office running of all things the state department . I think I could help trump prove apoint about Biden Mark My words statement and Clinton and the elections influences ignored by letting her vote in the electoral college . I wonder if Gen. Shelton of the light squared matter would agree about post cold war Psychotronic's ? Message I just sent White House

closed #180367


Case Date:

U.S. veterans captured in Ukraine appear in hostage videos broadcast on Russian TV..... So post the city of Bloomington's seemingly disregard to stop ANTIFA and BLM and the fags camping on court house law defacing the POW MIA Monuments So will you now show your support ?

closed #180442


401 N Morton ST

Case Date:

There is a very active illegal homeless encampment located immediately south of the Indiana Rail Road overpass and immediately west of College Avenue and east of the Morton Street dead-end; in Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.1747596,-86.5358286,3a,75y,39.76h,83.3t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqPoXwFjh7ATdt8Gpx650kQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DqPoXwFjh7ATdt8Gpx650kQ%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D51.93823%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192. This is a heavily overgrown area. The encampment includes a large tarp roof area and at least one hammock. I observed yesterday at least ten (10) people clearly living in this area.

closed #180473


7040 S Rockport RD

Case Date:

Animals (horse and sheep) being kept in front yard of unoccupied home without shelter from weather, sun and extreme temperatures. Does not appear to be water available. Small roaming area with electric fence. The horse today, is standing under the overhang against the house for shade.

closed #180499


Case Date:

There is a homeless encampment beginning to form just east of intersection of 446 and 46.

closed #180532


Case Date:

The City of Bloomington social media is advertising for and promoting the murder of babies who have no voice. I don’t pay city taxes for the mayor’s office and the city of Bloomington to promote murder of anyone. I would like the city of Bloomington to retract all statements promoting the abortion of babies. They are not promoting an “all resources” statement, instead they are promoting scare tactics and only providing information with regards to abortion. Unacceptable and if not taken seriously, there will be further action taken legally. You are instilling fear into the public.

closed #180601


821 W Ralston DR

Case Date:

This is a test. Testing.

closed #180818


304 N Hopewell ST

Case Date:

Other: People living inside of a van and using it for storage. Also, using an RV for storage. This goes against Bloomington City Code: 20.04.060