open #188728
213 S Rogers ST
- Case Date:
- 6/3/2024
People who are unhoused are leaving their belongings / lots of trash in the alley of our office building. Customers/clients/pedestrians use this alley often.
People who are unhoused are leaving their belongings / lots of trash in the alley of our office building. Customers/clients/pedestrians use this alley often.
Abandon home for years. High overgrowth of grass, weeds, shrubs, etc.
Over grown weeds in yard. Can’t see if anyone is walking on the sidewalk if entering walker street. Been that way for years. For the pedestrian safety the weeds need taken down
Trash has been left unattended for months at this address. It was placed on curb for pickup this morning (after months left up against side of house), but sanitation workers did not take it — maybe because there was too much of it but it is a nuisance and a hazard at this point.
Weeds are 6' high. The front and rear of the property have excessive overgrowth.
We've had a problem with invasive Tree of Heaven ever since the city came a couple years ago to clear the overgrowth in the "alley" space at the northwest corner of the property. Since then, the overgrowth has of course returned, but it's now more aggressive, with the inclusion of Tree of Heaven, which is spreading to the rest of the property. It might be a good idea to clear that overgrowth again. Perhaps there are other preventative measures that can be taken.
Overgrown yard, hazardous material dumped in the yard from renovations. Nails, insulations and other materials
Lawn is un-mowed for months and weeds are several feet tall .....
Abandon house, grass has not been cut this year. Eyesore for the entire Prospect Hill Neighborhood.
There is trash building up outside the house in the front yard including a large mattress in the front yard