closed #133350
Excessive Growth
1530 S College AVE
- Case Date:
- 8/13/2013
property south of 1530 S. College Avenue, formerly the switchyard, overgrown
property south of 1530 S. College Avenue, formerly the switchyard, overgrown
signed complaint for excess growth (including poison ivy) growing in front yard and along sidewalk
Area is on the east side of the street across from B&L Sheetmetal Roofing. The area is over grown , has lots of trash, and people are living there. These people are coming over to Shelter, Inc. and causing problems.
Russell White from Planning asked if you could check on this property for Title 6 violations. He will be going after this property for numerous violations. the property is owned by Fatih Akin.
Complaint recvd from CM Sturbaum regarding overgrown grass near round-a-bout on Tapp Road. blocking sidewalk
weeds all over the place
Grass is waist-high.
Tall grass.
email from Lisa