closed #183779
Parks & Playgrounds
1600 S Sycamore CT
- Case Date:
- 5/12/2023
Southeast Park has ground nesting bees living under the benches surrounding the playground. Please Take care to remove before someone gets stung bad
Southeast Park has ground nesting bees living under the benches surrounding the playground. Please Take care to remove before someone gets stung bad
My daughter was on the swing and it broke underneath her. She is ok but it is unusable.
My daughter was on the swing and it broke underneath her. She is ok but it is unusable.
The transition here from the street (Sycamore Ct) to the side path running down to the South East Park Tennis courts is covered in a giant pothole and crumbling asphalt. This is very difficult to navigate with a stroller, and slightly treacherous if just walking on foot. Could this be repaired please? It's been in bad shape for several years now, and keeps getting worse.
Where Sycamore Court, the Southeast Park Parking lot, and the trail going down to the tennis court come together there is a huge pot hole and the top of the trail is washed out.
Along the southern edge of South East park there is a brambly thorn bush that is over hanging the sidewalk. Could it please be trimmed back off the sidewalk so pedestrians are scratched by the thorns? I think the best way to describe the location would the edge of the park nearest the house at 1811 S Montclair.
My house shares a tree line with Southeast Park on Montclair Ave. During two storms this summer, trees on the park side have split and left large branches on the park side. These trees break due to the number of times they have been cut back by the utility companies (close to power lines that also border my property and the park) on my side of the tree line. Because of the location of the power lines and where the dead tree branches current lay, I do not know who's responsibility it is to clean up these dead limbs. I would like to request that the city take care of it, as we have had no control over the care of these trees and how they have been topped on only one side over and over again throughout the years. Thank you for your consideration and attention to this.
Trees in right of way have been tagged for removal on S High between Arden and Wimbleton for recreational trail project. Will debris be removed from this? When Duke contractors trimmed trees on opposite side of street they left behind an awful mess.
New street tree not replaced: after the multi-use path was installed, a tree replacing a large locust was planted. That tree died almost immediately. This spring, someone from the city cut it off at the base, but did not replace it. I u-reported it last year as well and was informed then that the contractor which originally planted it would replace it sometime during last year. It’s no skin off my nose if it isn’t replaced, just rather disappointing. Thanks!
small trees close to the creek on the north side blocks the view of the oncoming vehicle/bike/pedestrian on the curve.