
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (38)

closed #182301


809 E Hillside DR

Case Date:

Used drug needles have been thrown in my yard. How do I dispose of these and is there any city government agency that cleans this up. They are located on the Woodlawn side of the property.

closed #174843

Accessibility Problem

Case Date:

Hi, I work in a commercial building at 800 S College. Our building was recently sold to Storage Express and they have proven to be negligent in terms of snow removal. They have failed to clear our whole lot these past two weeks (leaving not enough cleared spaces for our business needs) and I have now had to twice dig out our one handicapped parking space by hand. We have addressed this with them in person and they were not responsive to our concerns. We are responsible for clearing our immediate walkway, but they are responsible for lot clearing and maintenance as per our lease. Our building is almost entirely service professions (massage, salon, barbers), and we have many older clients and folks with mobility issues and it is becoming a safety hazard. I am aware HAND handles residential citations, but am unaware of the proper channel (if any) for commercial properties. Would gladly accept any assistance. Thanks so much!

open #185043


1800 W Marquis DR

Case Date:

I am physically disabled live alone. Moved to this (section 8) reside in November. I am unable to mxnsg the parts to my disability. So my rhuematologist submitted a letter stating g my issues s the employees sh do the trash/ recycle CARTS will bri g them back to.my yard/porch sftrvesch pickup. To date this has been done once! I get caretakers who do so for me often but in the event they forget or I do not get one my trash/ recycling carts sit at the road risking causing harm to other motorist if fall over. Which oftentimes happens to I am on a slope/hill. The manager might hold me in lease viol as well!

open #187253

Inaccessible Parking

303 W Dodds St, Bloomington, IN 47403, USA

Case Date:

Bloomington Center for Connection has no accessible parking in their FlexePark lot of 12 spaces on Morton, parallel to the B-Line trail.

open #188206

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

501 E Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

They can’t stay within the lines. Fine then already.

open #188306

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

408 E Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA

Case Date:

This is at Kilroys. They have a line not to cross. They crossed the line again. Please fine them

open #192740

Accessibility Problem

2437 S Walnut Street PIKE

Case Date:

Does not have handicap parking nor sidewalk access for handicap or proper dooring to allow a wheelchair or walker to enter the business. There is also no smoke alarms for the hearing impaired within the a building that has many obstacles to reach the only 2 Exits at the front of the building. There is a locked gate put in place at 8pm while customers are still in the building that blocks off the exit to the back of the building.

open #193157

Accessibility Problem

520 S Walnut Street

Case Date:

- US Post Office; concrete barrier in parking lot, obstructed patron from mailing items