closed #132131
521 E 2nd ST
- Case Date:
- 6/3/2013
poison ivy overgrowth, SE corner of house
poison ivy overgrowth, SE corner of house
poison ivy growing by driveway, very close to sidewalk
front yard is overgrown with poison ivy (this is the asdress I incorrectly reported earlier as 425)
poison ivy growing in west side of yard
tree covered with poison ivy in SW corner of backyard
front yard is overgrown with poison ivy
Wondering if you could repair alley (entry off 2nd St specifically) that leads to Harmony School parking lot
This is in the 300 block of S. Dunn St. There is dirt, debris and sand on this section of the street. Please add the 300 block of S. Dunn to the list of streets to clean. Contact me with any questions. Thanks.