closed #154562
Blocked Street
829 S Woodlawn AVE
- Case Date:
- 8/3/2016
Blocked sidewalk
Blocked sidewalk
Blocked sidewalks
Vegetation obstructing sidewalk on Woodlawn side
Weeds and impeded sidewalk
Large pothole has developed right next to sidewalk. It's making parking very difficult: it's a good 3-4 inches deep (several layers of road surface have some away) and about 5 square feet around.
Large pothole has developed right next to sidewalk. It's making parking very difficult: it's a good 3-4 inches deep (several layers of road surface have some away) and about 5 square feet around.
overgrown yard
Overgrowth of trees in alleyway behind house is causing disruption of power lines and rubbing against transformers up and down the alleyway between S. Stull & S. Fess Ave. Our lights were blinking again today during the strong thunderstorm & we could see the lines being rubbed by tree limbs up & down the alley all the way between 1st St. & Maxwell. The power lines are bound to come down in strong wind. Please trim alleyway.