- Case Date:
- 11/23/2020
This morning (11/23/2020), I found a tire on the road in front of my property. I guess that someone hit the dry stone wall of my garden in the night because it is damaged or dropped off the tire. I am wondering whether you can remove it because it could be an obstacle for cars.
- Case Date:
- 11/23/2020
Please fix trash cans
- Case Date:
- 11/26/2020
1600 N. Willis Drive, #244, Trash spilling out of bin into the yard. Trash and bags of wet clothes on porch. Leaves not picked up.
- Case Date:
- 11/27/2020
4209 and 4217 e Morningside limbs and debris in side yards
- Case Date:
- 11/28/2020
4301 e Morningside Drive dirt pile on drive been there over a year. Few months ok to use but shouldn't be perpetual
- Case Date:
- 11/30/2020
Neighbors at 1650 have trash everywhere in their front yard and back yard. Its constantly blowing into my yard.
- Case Date:
- 12/3/2020
Can someone from HAND leave a brochure for the people in apartment #2 so that they realize that they shouldn't leave their garbage and recycling containers out for the entire week after pick up? Also, they don't understand what can and cannot be recycled. Pizza Boxes... Thank you!
- Case Date:
- 12/8/2020
Neighbors leaving trash in bags on ground in front and back yard, animals get into them, debris flies into my yard. Constantly.
- Case Date:
- 12/9/2020
Recieved an email saying there WAS NO ISSUE AT THIS TIME. BULLSHIT, DID YOU EVEN LOOK? I am looking at literally PILES of garbage on their back porch, and loose bags of garbage in their front yard next to their city refuse cans. FINE THEM. THEY ARE ALWAYS DOING THIS, THAT IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION. I LITERALLY PICK THEIR GARBAGE OUT OF MY YARD EVERY DAY.
2298 S Sweetbriar CT
- Case Date:
- 12/24/2020
This stretch of road has litter all along it,
East Graham Drive, it would be appreciated if it was picked up. Thanks