- Case Date:
- 7/19/2023
I have noticed when walking in the 1800 block of E. Maxwell Lane and specifically in front of 1803 E Maxwell Lane there are tree branches that hang low over the street and cars brush against it on the road and it makes a scrapping noise. Can this be addressed please. Thanks.
- Case Date:
- 7/19/2023
No water
- Case Date:
- 7/20/2023
Trash was not picked up on Wednesday (our normal day). Can it please be picked up. Thanks
- Case Date:
- 7/21/2023
Lights 137 and 139 not working properly (flashing) on B-Line trail
- Case Date:
- 7/21/2023
A skunk has been spraying somewhat often the last few weeks and we have seen it in our neighbors yard. We would like to avoid our dogs getting sprayed again this year, are we permitted to trap skunks?
- Case Date:
- 7/21/2023
Someone destroyed the anchors to the windscreens our Pickleball Club purchased for RCA.
- Case Date:
- 7/21/2023
'NO TRUCKS' traffic sign on Moore's Pike, heading towards the roundabout, across from the cemetery, near the intersection with High Street is obscured by overhanging greenery.
Parking on Unimproved Surface
- Case Date:
- 7/21/2023
The owner of 408 S Mitchell now has created a couple of extra parking spaces in the yard on what used to be grass.
Did they get a permit to do this?
Potholes, Other Street Repair
- Case Date:
- 7/21/2023
Resurfacing of Grandview Hills Neighborhood roads took place this year. However, the job looks incomplete. Resurfacing took place on Grandview Drive, Post Road, and Staats. Can you please advise about the unfinished area on Staats, and what the status will be for recommencing the project? Thank you. Grandview Hills Neighborhood Association president, Gillian Field
- Case Date:
- 7/21/2023
This would be my fifth email to you guys and it would also be number six in the times that I've been almost hit rear-ended because people are trying to race through the lights over on West 3rd Street around Eastland plaza . Since you guys have decided to set the signaling for the lights so once one light goes green and you travel to the next light that's just invisible sight it turns red so you have to stop again but if you guys got out of the office come over here and you can actually see what a mess you're creating all over town it's like this. There's zero logic behind this I can understand the lights through downtown making you slow down but we're not downtown nor are the other lights throughout the city that you guys have set up like this I hope one of your cars get hit and then maybe you douchebags will come fix it