- Case Date:
- 8/27/2012
at Westfield and Willis someone has moved one of the no parking signs resulting in parking into the line of sight. Additionally, a guardrail on Westfield has been damaged and a dangerous I-beam is standing causing a hazard. And lastly, it appears that parking is allowd on Westifeld too close to the intersection causing a line of sight problem. Caller is Rob Feran 322-3479 call him if any of this info is unclear
- Case Date:
- 8/30/2012
Caller said there are stolen street signs on this front porch.
- Case Date:
- 9/21/2012
The right of way between SR 37 and Adams needs to be mowed.
- Case Date:
- 10/4/2012
Street sign at 2401 S. Broadview has been hit and is bent and hanging over. Caller said he reported last week but nothing has been done.
- Case Date:
- 5/10/2013
Anonymous message left overnight. Caller said there is a bad pot hole at the southeast corner of Third and Lincoln. Wanted to have it patched.
- Case Date:
- 5/14/2013
Two inches of an old parking meter post is protruding through the ground in the grassy area between street and sidewalk on 100 North Lincoln on the west side of the street. This is about 30 to 40 feet from the intersection of Kirkwood and Lincoln. This post needs to be removed.
- Case Date:
- 6/26/2013
There is a street sign that has been hit and also very worn and the name of the street cannot be made out. It is on the north end of Abby Lane near Bentley Court
- Case Date:
- 7/24/2013
East West alley at 332 South Grant Street is washed out and there is a big rut about 1/2 block long
- Case Date:
- 10/2/2013
On Morningside, across from Park Ridge East Park (close to tennis and basketball courts) there was a speed limit sign. When the signs were switched out with new speed limit, this one was not replaced, and now there is no sign and the traffic flies.
- Case Date:
- 7/9/2012
Caller said the street sign for S. Park AVE and E. Hillside DR is being blocked by an overgrown tree.