closed #129585
1621 S Sycamore CT
- Case Date:
- 11/8/2012
Resident feeds corn and other food to deer, etc. Attracts rats who live in brush pile in back yard around a tree. Neighbor at 1712 S. Sycamore stated that compliance officer could come into their yard and try to view property at 1711 S. Greenfield.
Dead deer on high St across from 1907 s high. Expired on 10-8.
Daddy personal living here has not mowed or cared for their lawn in an extended period of time. There are now two fawn who have taken up residence in the backyard. They are unable to leave the area because they are too small to jump over the fence. The backyard is becoming a literal deer sanctuary.
Resident states we broke their trash can. We delivered a one time replacement can.
Recycle miss out picked up by Jeff Waggoner.
Can we start to have a conversation about the deer population in this town? I walked Sussex Dr yesterday and counted ten deer (!) in 3 groups: doe and 2 fawns, doe and 3 fawns, doe and 2 fawns - all within 2 city blocks!! As we approached the first group using the city sidewalk the mother agressively came after us, stomping her foot. We had to cross the street and walk very slowly to avoid her defensive aggression. This is all well within the city limits. Why should I have to fear them when I'm walking around my own neighborhood? They've already forced several of ourneighbors to install concentration camp fencing to protect their landscaping. Many of our other neighbors have all their landscaping in cages. I like watching deer, too, but come on now - at this point they are pests without a predator to keep them under control. Have we gone too far? Culling is in order. Note: I didn't even mention the costs of hitting one with a car or motorcyle.
Dead deer on shoulder of High St.