closed #181332
Parking on Unimproved Surface
711 N Lincoln ST
- Case Date:
- 9/2/2022
Cars parked in backyard for weeks on grass. See previous uReport #181036. Has a fine been issued?
Cars parked in backyard for weeks on grass. See previous uReport #181036. Has a fine been issued?
You guys ever gonna trim these bushes growing over sidewalk or you just gonna wait until someone gets mugged or hit by a bike? Literally in a heavily used and seen area. You guys lacking employees or something?
E 10th street is one of the main corridors for access to the university elementary school, whose district covers all the way to the campus view apartment. However, the hill on 10th street and the lack of a sidewalk nor a safe protected bike path make it almost impossible for students and families to access the school without a car. When students walk on this road, it looks perilous. A sidewalk and a protected bike path (not a painted gutter) would ensure the children's accessibility to the school, which can save a lot of money over the years (reducing the school bus operation)and remove a lot of traffic on 10th street (family driving kids to school).
Retaining wall is beginning to collapse again. Currently, some large, limestone blocks are lying in the middle of and blocking the sidewalk on Lincoln at the NW corner of the property.
Lights above the garage on 11th street are too bright and are aimed directly across the street directly into the houses there and they are blazingly bright all night long. Is this legal? They should point them down at least or put in much dimmer bulbs or shade them or something and stop being so inconsiderate. It's bad enough they keep spastic, maniacal, dangerous dogs tied up outside that bark for hours at a time. Now the lights are adding insult to injury.
Ongoing construction of MIL unit on Maple behind 801 W 7th no visible permits. Ignore previous u-report/wrong address. House and construction is on SOUTH side of 7th Street at Maple.
Car parked in backyard - access via alley.
Tenants parking cars in backyard on grass.
Cars parked in backyard for weeks on grass. See previous uReport #181035. Has a fine been issued?
Weeds and piles of pine needles on sidewalk, vines on wall encroaching.