closed #188047
Potholes, Other Street Repair
832 S Woodlawn AVE
- Case Date:
- 4/17/2024
Growing pothole in front of 912 + 916 E Maxwell
Growing pothole in front of 912 + 916 E Maxwell
Trees/bushes dangling over street
The southbound stop sign on the intersection of high and maxwell is not clearly visible due to a tree/bush obfuscating it.
Stop sign for southbound High St at intersection with Maxwell is obstructed. Yesterday a vehicle ran through it and nearly hit us. I've seen several last minute stops as well.
The stop sign traveling south on High Street at Maxwell is *very* difficult to see. In the last week, I have witnessed on two separate occasions someone driving right through.
An enormous pothole has developed after the last snowfall at the NW corner of Maxwell and High. This presents a safety risk, since cars need to swerve into incoming traffic to avoid it.
The stop sign on Henderson at MAxwell, northbound is blocked by greenery
You may already know this but there is 1 or 2 new potholes in the 700 block of E Maxwell Lane. They will probably get worse if not addressed. Thank You
The stop sign is partially covered by shrubs and they need to be trimmed. People run this stop sign all the time. Please make sure the stop sign is fully visible. On woodlawn headed NORTH at E Maxwell Lane and Woodlawn intersection.
Where S Park Ave crosses Maxwell Lane and dead-end into Bryan Park, there a bowl-shaped depression / pothole and further on a cracked and broken rectangle pothole