
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #201481

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1st and Lincoln

Case Date:

Deep pothole

closed #201470

Potholes, Other Street Repair

Ornamental Dr

Case Date:

Describe Pothole or Hazard: Multiple pot holes that have been reported for years. To the point that it’s hitting my rim while driving. There are so many you cannot even dodge them. Huge hazard for animals, elderly and children in the area. Something needs to be done!

open #201464

Potholes, Other Street Repair

102 N Concord RD

Case Date:

Park Ridge neighborhood along E. Morningside Drive - at many corners, Concord, N. Glenwood East, the street asphalt has collapsed causing a steep drop off into the ditch beside the street. One street hazard barricade - need more at all locations. Already submitted a uReport but neighbors have contacted me today and are quite concerned regarding this hazard to walkers, bikes, and autos. Please help -

closed #201463

Potholes, Other Street Repair

415 E 11th ST

Case Date:

N/S alley stretching from 11th to 12th that is between and parallel to Grant and Dunn Streets is a jaw-rattling experience. Not a single pothole issue - rather, a candidate for full replacement. This is the same alley that further south is named Harold Street, is between one of the buildings for 800 N. Grant apartments and the 415 E. 11th apartment building, and serves as parking for the latter.

closed #201462

Potholes, Other Street Repair

203 E 8th ST

Case Date:

Hole in middle of 8th / Washington intersection.

closed #201458

Potholes, Other Street Repair

E Linden Hill Dr

Case Date:

The entrance/exit to Linden Hill Drive has a line of potholes that need to be filled in.

closed #201457

Potholes, Other Street Repair

S Woodlawn Ave

Case Date:

South Woodlawn from about Southdowns to Atwater is very uneven with multiple holes and sections of uneven pavement, especially at intersections like Woodlawn and Wylie. It's like driving an obstacle course on this major north/south access road to the IU campus.

open #201451

Potholes, Other Street Repair

2105 S Bayberry DR

Case Date:

The asphalt needs repairs along E. Wylie Farm Road, a City street, at the connection to S. Bayberry Drive, a private street. The repairs are needed in the right-of-way along E. Wylie Farm Road. Thank you.

closed #201450

Potholes, Other Street Repair

901A S Rogers St

Case Date:

There is pothole on Dodds and Rodgers by the crosswalk on east side of the intersection.

closed #201449

Potholes, Other Street Repair

Rockport Rd

Case Date:

Pothole on Rockport Rd starting at the stoplight by the southern hills church to graham Rd. People swerve to miss the potholes they are deep and it's dangerous. Please fill in these potholes. This is very highly traveled road. The potholes being filled would be very appreciated