closed #148673
Potholes, Other Street Repair
1108 S Paper Birch CT
- Case Date:
- 9/25/2015
Woodside Drive closest to Park Square Drive the street is caving in very bad. You might want to look at this before winter.
Woodside Drive closest to Park Square Drive the street is caving in very bad. You might want to look at this before winter.
Many people are running the stop light in the turn lane going out on the South 45 at the curry Pike crossing
This possibly is not so much a pothole as sunken pavement, but the effect is the same. Right as Tapp meets Leonard Springs there is a bad area that goes across most of Tapp Road, and it is necessary to come to a near stop to avoid being jarred, even if one has already stopped for the new traffic light.
snow/ice removal - we desparately need a sand/salt mixture on our sheet of ice roads in our neighborhood
Just one more note on the streets in the Stonechase neighborhood, the mail delivery person was sliding across the street and having a very difficult time pulling up to and pulling away from mailboxes.
Potholes all along West Tapp Rd. from 37 to Lenoard Springs Rd
There is a HUGE hole at the intersection of Rayle and Fairington. If this is county responsibility, please forward.
Potholes at each intersection of Darrell Drive throughout subdivision
Leonard Springs Rd from Tapp Road north to at least first lighted intersection. Road condition warrants re-pave. Is this area on the re-pave list or at least some attention? Just about took out a strut.
The light in this location does not function and I am hoping that this can be remidiated. Thanks, Marle Franco