closed #176894
Leaf Collection
9070 W Fenceline RD
- Case Date:
- 8/8/2021
Where does the city dispose of their leaf collections and is it possible for me to get leaf collection dumped on my property. I’d like to have it for mulch.
Where does the city dispose of their leaf collections and is it possible for me to get leaf collection dumped on my property. I’d like to have it for mulch.
Stop lights out at N Curry Pk & Jonathan Dr and N Curry Pk & Profile Parkway
big pot hole in at the four way stop intersection of Gate, Jonathan and Alexander.
There are multiple server potholes on W. 3rd Stree behind Crew Car Wash just as you pull out of the Car Wash and servere potholes on Runkle Way beside Tire Barn.
Large pothole on Runkle way and in front of crew car wash. People are swerving into other lane to avoid. Pothole will cause major damage to a car if it’s hit or it’s a potential wreck waiting to happen.
Large potholes that everyone drives around creating traffic hazard
Good morning. I am trying to find out who is responsible for clean up on the trail that runs on the north side of Vernal Pike from Curry Pike to North Crescent Road. It is full of glass and debris and is unsafe for bicycle use. Can you help? -Marnell Gorman
up and down gates dr, lots of debris and card board all over road,
On Profile Parkway, east of curry pike, before the roundabouts, there seems to be some kind of manhole or pipe covering flipped over and sticking up perpendicular to the street surface.
Series of 3 unavoidable pot holes directly in front of Olive Garden just north of the intersection at Alexander Dr. Pothole bent the rim on one of the tires on my vehicle.