208 N Fairview ST
- Case Date:
- 4/28/2018
Purple graffiti tag on old limestone wall that surrounds Fairview Elementary. On Fairview just a few steps up from West Seventh Street. East side of Fairview. It has been there for quite some time.
- Case Date:
- 9/30/2018
The south-facing reflector sign in the traffic circle at 6th and Oak has been painted with the "Vain" tag that has appeared all over town. It has been there for a while now (a few weeks, perhaps).
116 N Jackson ST
- Case Date:
- 10/5/2016
There is graffiti on the west side of this structure. it says "F*** the BPD and IUPD" There is also other grafitti on the structure that is not as offensive.
- Case Date:
- 4/3/2017
The abandoned house on the south side of West 8th Street near the intersection of 8th and Williams has been tagged with gang graffiti. The tag is on the west side of the house.
1124 W Kirkwood AVE
- Case Date:
- 12/21/2024
Abandoned sofa and other trash in front