closed #183579
1518 E Atwater AVE
- Case Date:
- 4/25/2023
Atwater @ Mitchell graffiti on back of public sign
Atwater @ Mitchell graffiti on back of public sign
Water is slowly but continuosly leaking from the house at 501 South Mitchell across the Eastside neighborhood pocket park into the storm water runoff ditch. The leak location is close to the house's sewer cleanout and so possibly a sewage leak.
Bushes overgrown around property adjacent to Atwater make it impossible to see oncoming traffic. Drivers traveling north on Clifton must pull into traffic on Atwater to see around the bushes.
tree on 2nd St is dying and dropping branches; also presents line of sight problems for cars exiting S. Anita St.
Stop sign and traffic obscured by overgrowth
No problem. Doe with three fawns live somewhere in back yards of 1800 block homes, south side of E. Hunter ave. Just thought the deer tagging/ monitoring people would be interested.
Blasting party music at 11:30 pm
These heaps of gravel can be found on E. Second, going towards the wooden foot bridge. I have no idea where they come from. However, next time there is a good downpour they will most likely be washed down the hill to the drain at the intersection of Eastside and the church parking lot, causing the intersection to flood. Can the city sweeper come to sweep them up? Thanks, Stella Hooker-Haase 333-7006
There are many, many, many cats and a few dogs within a chain link fence on East First Street one block from the playground of Binford elementary. The yard reeks of cat urine and the dogs bark constantly. The small white dog is not made to be out in cold weather. He barks pitifully. These animals do not appear to be well cared for at all and are a nuisance to the neighborhood. Please, please do something about this.
Trash in culvert in front of 403 S Mitchell St