
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (2897)

closed #200535

Sidewalk Snow Removal

508 S Lincoln ST

Case Date:

Ice on both Lincoln St and 2nd St adjacent to apartment complex on SE corner. Unsafe to walk on either and needs diversion onto the road.

closed #200530

Traffic Related Complaints

332 S Grant ST

Case Date:

Tenant submitted complaints regarding ice in the alleyway. Tenant stated that the alleyway is difficult to walk and drive on. If you could please salt/remove ice, Tenant would appreciate it.

closed #200487

Nuisance Lights

401 S Washington ST

Case Date:

This newly installed light is very bright and shines directly into several windows.

closed #200483

Parking Meters and Citations

924 E Atwater AVE

Case Date:

Vehicle parked in left turn lane on Atwater Ave, adjacent to Faculty St (license plate DCT500)

closed #200462

Sidewalk Snow Removal

413 S Highland AVE

Case Date:

closed #200453

City Performance

415 S Dunn ST

Case Date:

They city alleyway which accesses multiple apartment communities and business is covered in ice.

closed #200448

Blocked Street

112 E 1st St

Case Date:

There is a vehicle blocking the alleyway (when homeowners vehicles are parked behind their homes) between 1st St and Hillside Dr. It has been there for multiple days.

closed #200411

Sidewalk Snow Removal

1119 E 1st ST

Case Date:

UnShoveled or salted sidewalks. Will become slippery with the upcoming freezing temperatures

closed #200410

Sidewalk Snow Removal

1119 E 1st ST

Case Date:

UnShoveled or salted sidewalks. Will become slippery with the upcoming freezing temperatures

closed #200407


526 E University ST

Case Date:

This pile of trash has been sitting here for 2 months. Can you please do something?