closed #133564
800 N Washington ST
- Case Date:
- 8/21/2013
Last year, the section of the sidewalk at Washington and Cottage Grove was replaced, but the workers left a trench in the road that collects water and breeds mosquitos. I couldn't help but notice when similar work was done this summer on 10th street and a layer of pavement was laid alongside the sidewalk to fill the trench there. Probably just an oversight but it'd be nice to get this job completed.
Trash bins stored by street (on 11th Street, SW corner of property)
Yard plantings have taken over sidewalk near the intersection of Lincoln and 11th. It is now impassible.
Trash bins left on street (11th) and in view of public
Futon in alley
Trash bins stored in full view at sidewalk, perched on retaining wall.
Does the City ever follow up with these reports? This property has had garbage cans on the sidewalk for at least a month, blocking pedestrian traffic.
Snow on sidewalk
Tenants storing trash bins on street.