closed #143439
706 N Washington ST
- Case Date:
- 2/1/2015
Trash blowing around yard. 706 n Washington
Trash blowing around yard. 706 n Washington
Broken glass on sidewalk 408 n Washington
Poison ivy along sidewalk at 700 n Washington st.
Trash piling up - 706 n Washington
Bags of trash constantly piled up along sidewalk at 408 n Washington
Residential properties behind the High Point commercial property at 702 N Walnut have been having constant issues with poison ivy all summer, as well as last summer. It is constantly spreading into our backyards from the High Point property. I've reported this issue to HAND several times this summer, yet the property has still not been cleaned up (or it is cleaned up once, and then promptly ignored again.) At what point can this go to the Board of Public Works for abatement?
Large trash pile on side of the road on Washington north of 8th
616 north Washington
Trash at 408 n Washington
Poison ivy behind high point commercial property. 702 n walnut