closed #113395
705 E Pepperridge DR
- Case Date:
- 9/29/1999
Missed pick-iup/trash:
Missed pick-up/trash:
Thursday/Other/trash: Mr. Declark is unhappy with the wasy the Sanitation crew's work this morning. He claims that 1/4 of the trash is still in the trash can. Sanit. crews threw it upside down in his yard. The trash container was tagged. Remaining trash is still there. Please check. Thanks Trish
Thurs. pick-up/Other: Will have a couch cut up in pieces - tagged to lbe picked up.
Thursday/pick-up/Missed pick-up/Yard Waste: YW is tagged. No notice left.
Thursday/Missed pick-up/trash: one trash can
Other/Other: Resident states that a bag of trash fell from the trash truck into the street and she would like you to come back and pick it up. Thanks!