
Road Closed

Prospect Hill Neighborhood Association Street Painting Party

the intersection of Fairview and Howe Street

August 4, 2018 10:00 am to 19:00 pm
The Prospect Hill Neighborhood Assocation will be hosting a Street Mural Painting Party on Saturday, August 4th from from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Prospect Hill Neighborhood is requesting permission to paint and close the intersection of Fairview and Howe Street to install a public art project in the street.
Public Works
LINESTRING(-86.54105186608044 39.16239604851239,-86.54087007193206 39.162393737754996,-86.54095351836199 39.16239604851239,-86.54095649868519 39.16248154622775)

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