
Lane Restriction

Duke Energy Work

3696 E Grandview

July 29, 2024 to August 9, 2024
WO # 40995350, 1-2 day lane closure to replace fuses on 4 poles.
External Project
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING(-86.4750806226703 39.16907986710666,-86.47432425345303 39.16908857604753,-86.4739460688444 39.16912050882138),LINESTRING(-86.51868284670233 39.162199868917156,-86.51835881799452 39.16219594330269),LINESTRING(-86.51772088647606 39.16170131412915,-86.51772594942462 39.161481477824566),LINESTRING(-86.51730896342856 39.16106134931414,-86.51673451426211 39.161050869010836))

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